What is the 'Evade-and-Deceive' technique?
Based On An Ancient Shaolin Staff Manual
Shaolin Gunfa Canzong is an ancient martial arts manual written in 1616 by Master Cheng Zongyou, documenting the art of fighting with a wooden Staff. These techniques serve as the foundation for learning to fight with other weapons.
閃賺 (shan zhuan) = The "Evade-and-Deceive" Technique.
穿提 (chuan ti) = The "Pierce Lift" Technique.
These 2 are similar, and they are the most important techniques in Shaolin Gunfa Canzong. If you cannot do them, any weapons fighting technique that you learn, whether from the manual or from anywhere else, will be much less effective.
Why Are They Important?
Not only is it the most important, but it is also one that requires high level of skill to perform. In the manual, Master Cheng said the following about these 2 techniques:
非心精思巧者不能造: Only the dedicated and clever ones can perform these techniques.
非功深力到者不可言: Only the highest skilled may talk about these techniques.
If you had participated in weapons sparring before, you should know that "double-kills" are very common. That means, you hit the enemy and he hits you too, and both of you die or lose the match.
If you want to hit the enemy, WITHOUT getting hit in the process, the answer is "Evade-and-Deceive". Once you understand this concept well, you can then also apply it to other weapons. Master Cheng gave some pointers and hints on how to perform "Evade-and-Deceive" in the manual, and I hope my elaboration and explanation in this video series will help you to understand it better.

"Evade-and-Deceive" Trailer (53 secs)
How did this "Evade-and-Deceive" video series came about?

Hi, Jack Chen here. I've been running this website since 2010. After about 2+ to 3 years, I published a detailed analysis and interpretation of Ming General Qi Jiguang's Fist manual in April 2020. I then began to look for the next manual that I can devote myself to, and after considering a few choices, I finally decided on Shaolin Gunfa Canzong. This is because, after learning the fist, the next step will be weapons, and the Staff provides the foundation of all weapons' training.
So, I was analyzing and deciphering the 55 stances in this ancient Shaolin Staff manual. There are actually 3 scrolls in the manual, and I had to cross-reference between them, as well as other manuals written by other authors, in order to understand how each of these 55 stances are supposed to be performed.
During this process, I came upon the realization that "Evade-and-Deceive" is the most important weapon fighting concept that you must know. Furthermore, it's not something that you can easily understand from a book. Hence, not only did I felt that this technique was important enough for me to create this video learning series just talking about it only, but to also publish it ahead of the book.
I hope this video series will help you to understand what "Evade-and-Deceive" is about, and help you to elevate your martial arts training in weapons.
Content List of this DVD
1) Introduction
What is "Evade-and-Deceive" and "Pierce Lift"
Definition of each word: 閃, 賺, 穿, 提
2) Basic Terminology
True and False Grips 陰陽手
Inner and Outer Circles 圈裡圈外
Parry and Sweep 挐攔
3) Evade-and-Deceive Explanation #1
The concept of "Firm Hand" 手固
Using True and False Grips to assist
4) Evade-and-Deceive Explanation #2
The concept of "Small Footwork" 步小
Utilizing the principles of "Casual Tuck Shirt" from Ming General Qi Jiguang's Fist manual.
5) Pierce Lift Explanation
What is Pierce Lift
Why is it NOT used for Spears
Solution for Wooden Weapons vs Blades
6) Old Energy, New Energy
The concept of 舊力略過,新力未生
All techniques must be applied with this concept
7) Reduce Your Gap
How to minimize your gap
Using "Evade-and-Deceive" with Swords
8) Practice Slowly
Why is Taiji practiced slowly
How is moving slowly practical for combat
9) The "Scissors" Stance
What is the Shaolin Staff 剪子股 stance
Applying the concept of "Pierce Lift"
Applying the concept of "Firm Hands"
Using your core to perform the technique
10) "Black Dragon Overturns River" Stance
Explanation of 鳥龍翻江 stance
Performing a Coil to deceive the enemy
11) "Hug Pipa" Stance
Explanation of 金剛抱琵琶 stance
Performing a Piercing Hook to deceive the enemy
12) "High Lift" 高提勢 Stance
Difference between "High Lift" & "Lift Spear" stance
Quicker way to perform "Pierce Lift".
13) Mizoguchi Ha Itto Ryu
How a traditional Japanese Koryu utilized similar concepts in swordsmanship to deceive the enemy.
14) Chinese Long Saber's Length
Advantages that you enjoy with the Chinese Long Saber to perform deceiving moves.
Total Filesize: 2.19 GB
Total Videos: 14
Total Duration: 50 mins
Email: ChineseLongsword@gmail.com
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