What is 'Gunyou Senkou Zukai Gassatsu'?
Written 300+ years ago, this is an antique Japanese book on Samurai strategy and other related info. Most strategy books were full of words, but this one is full of pictures! Furthermore, it was full-colored which makes it even more rare.
Available are the full English translation AND
a 1:1 exact replica of this antique manual.

Quick Flip-Through Video
Total 62 pages. Not all pages were shown.
Pardon my lack of page-flipping skills!
The paper was old, fragile and riddled with wormholes.
Extra care had to be taken with antique books.

English Translation
Imagine you're having a discussion or writing an article on Samurai history, now you have a direct 1st-hand reference to historical sources to make your points authentic.
There is a total of 62 pages in this ancient Samurai manual, majority are colored drawings. As much as possible, the original Japanese words are kept intact, with the English translation nearby them. But sometimes, due to space constraints, I will erase the Japanese words and replace them with the English equivalent.
It took a lot of research, references and tearing if some hair, in order to translate these ancient words with archaic characters & grammar. It took me 2 painstaking months to complete the translation.
Instant Download
This English translated e-Book is available for instant download as a PDF file. When you purchase it, you're also entitled to FREE life-time updates. If there are any new information or new interpretation of certain words in the manual, this English translated e-Book will be updated, and you will receive the updated version for FREE.
I hope that it will be useful in your martial arts practice & study. I also hope that the original author will be proud that, even after 300 years, people are still reading his book.

Read conveniently anywhere!

1:1 Reproduced & Sealed In Wrapping

1:1 Replica Manual
As the years go by, these antique manuals may eventually be extinct from this world, either by losing them, or it gets damaged irreversibly from circumstances such as worm holes.
I've carefully scanned each page delicately, and sprinkled some magic Photoshop dust to clean up the wormholes, old-age and ink smudges, so that you can get a 1:1 accurately reproduced manual.
You can bring this to your Dojo, or pass it down as a family heirloom. Who knows? Maybe a few hundred years from now, someone else might find your copy instead!
Cleaned from ink smudge, wormholes & old-age.
What you will receive
You will be able to download the English version instantly,
while the actual replica manual will be mailed to you.

English translation e-Book:
62 pages
FREE Life-time Updates
Instant download
$27 Value

Replica Manual:
Full color printing
64 pages
23.5cm by 17cm
Traditional stitch-binding
$37 Value

Worldwide Shipping:
Registered mail
~1 week to reach you -
Tracking number
$18 Postage
Original Price $82.
Special Bundle: Now Just $57
You Saved $25, That's 30% Savings!

Bought the book? Tell us what you think: ChineseLongsword@gmail.com
John Chapman Sensei
American Okinawan Karate Academy Willcox Dojo (Arizona, USA)
"I received my facsimile today....it is WONDERFUL. Thank you very much. The paper...the detail.....the binding....FIRST RATE! I also purchased the English translation as I do not read Japanese. It has been an invaluable insight into History. Thank you for all that you do!"
"A wonderful manual, providing a glimpse into the workings of samurai armies of the first decade of the 18th century. It contains surprising detail on many aspects, from fetching water to building encampments, deployment to the field, and actual tactics. It shows once again how battlefield tactics of any culture are all about careful planning and cooperation in the field. A valuable addition to the library of any student of Asian martial arts or arms and armor."